How Long to Cook Steak?

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Regardless of your grilling method, you may be wondering how long to cook your steak. Here are some basic benchmarks that you can use to judge the doneness of your steak: color, baking time, and temperature. The exact time varies from oven to oven, so it’s important to check the temperature of your steak 5 degrees before the desired internal temperature. Remember that the steak’s temperature will continue to rise while resting, so remove it from the oven five minutes before you want it rare, medium-rare, or well done.

Indirect grilling

When cooking steaks, indirect grilling is a great way to achieve a medium-rare or medium-well finish. The process starts with a sear that seals in the juices and leaves a nice char on the outside. Then, the steak is moved to a lower temperature and covered with a lid. The meat will continue to cook and raise 5 degrees during the resting period. This will allow the juices to flow back into the steak, which will make it even more tender.


Butter and olive oil complement one another well. But butter should be added early in the cooking process, while olive oil should be added toward the end. The two sauces work together to impart flavor and color to the steak, and the butter will add an extra layer of appeal to the dish. While cooking steaks in butter and oil, the temperature of the meat will rise slightly after resting. The steak should be basted when it is almost at its desired internal temperature.

Using an instant read thermometer

Using an instant read thermometer to cook your steak is easy and quick. Thermapen probes can be inserted into the center of each steak. The probe will find the temperature that is the coolest in the middle. The thermometer can be accurate and fast, so you can check each steak at a time. If you’re using a conventional meat thermometer, it will take more than 10 seconds to read the internal temperature of a steak. When a steak reaches the pull temperature, remove it from the heat source and tent it with foil.

Seasoning both sides of the steak

In order to prepare the best tasting steak, it is important to season both sides of the meat evenly. Although it is possible to get away with seasoning one side of a steak, this doesn’t produce the same level of flavor and chewiness. A well-seasoned steak will produce the same level of flavor each time you cook it. Seasoning both sides of the steak is a common practice among chefs and backyard grilling enthusiasts.

Using a timer

Using a timer when cooking steak can help you ensure that the meat is cooked to the perfect temperature. The final temperature will vary depending on the thickness of the steak and the level of doneness you prefer. A timer will automatically adjust the cooking time to suit the temperature and cooking surface. This will help you avoid overcooking or undercooking the steak. To learn more about using a timer, download the book “Your Perfect Steak” and begin cooking your next steak.

Using a meat thermometer

Using a meat thermometer is a great way to avoid undercooked or overcooked meat. It will also save you money and reduce your anxiety by ensuring that the food you’re cooking is done. To use a meat thermometer, insert the probe from one side of the steak into the center of the meat. Larger cuts of meat are usually cooked for more than 20 minutes, while thin cuts may only require one minute. After you’ve cooked the meat, it’s a good idea to let it rest for a couple of minutes. This will allow the juices to redistribute and stay in the meat.

Using a knife

Choosing the right knife is vital when preparing a juicy and tender steak. A serrated knife acts like a saw and is excellent for cutting through tough exteriors. It also stays sharp longer than a regular knife because the blade never touches the plate. For this reason, it’s the best knife to use when cooking steak. If you have a budget, go for a regular chef’s knife, but if you want to make the most of your steak, purchase a serrated knife.


Seasoning your steak before cooking is a great way to give it a great flavor and retain its juices. Oftentimes, home cooks under-season meat, but it is important to use a generous amount of Kosher salt. This coarse-grained salt is different from table salt. If you’re unsure of what salt to use, read the following information about this practice. It is well worth the extra effort.

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