What is the Best Food to Eat When You Have Tooth and Gum Infection?

What is the Best Food to Eat When You Have Tooth and Gum Infection

If you have a gum infection, it is important to pay attention to what you eat. Certain foods can help reduce inflammation, fight off damaging bacteria, and promote healing in the gums. Here are some of the best foods to eat when you have a tooth and gum infection.If you want to learn more about dental problems when eating sweets, check out this article: https://dentisthelps.com/why-do-my-teeth-hurt-when-i-eat-sweets

What is the Best Food to Eat When You Have Tooth and Gum Infection? Check this products

Yogurt is full of probiotics that can help reduce inflammation in the gums and strengthen the immune system. Look for a yogurt with active cultures to get the full benefit. Also, yogurt is rich in calcium which is important for healthy teeth and gums.

Green Tea is packed with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the gums and prevent further damage. It also has anti-bacterial properties which can help reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Green tea should be consumed without sugar for maximum benefit.

Carrots contain vitamins A and C which are important for gum health. They are also a great source of fiber which can help to stimulate the gums and promote healing. Carrots are also a crunchy food which can help to remove plaque from the teeth.

Almonds are full of healthy fats and proteins that can help to reduce inflammation in the gums. They also contain calcium which can help to strengthen the teeth and gums. Almonds are a great snack to have during the day.

Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which can help to reduce inflammation in the gums. It also contains vitamin B-12 which can help to reduce bacteria in the mouth. Salmon should be cooked lightly to get the full benefit.

Celery is another crunchy food that can help to remove plaque and stimulate the gums. Celery contains vitamin C which can help to reduce inflammation in the gums. It is also a great source of fiber which can help to reduce bacteria in the mouth.

Adding these foods to your diet can help to reduce inflammation in the gums and promote healing. It is also important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. If your gum infection does not improve, be sure to visit your dentist for further evaluation.

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